12 ways to get your "first 1000 Subscribers" on YouTube Channel quickly | tips to get first 1000 subscribers |easy ways

  12 ways to get your "first 1000 Subscribers" on YouTube Channel  quickly  When you first start your Youtube channel the hardest challenge is to gain 1000 subscribers . You can only start earning once you completed 1000 subscribers and watch a time of 4000 hours. And it seems to be a very hard challenge.   When you initially starts a youtube channel , it seems like you are uploading a video but no one is watching it. Is it because you have not a great quality video? Or you are just new and nobody knows your channel? There can be a lot of reasons. When I started my youtube channel I also face a lot of difficulties to gain my first 1000 subscribers due to some mistakes I was doing. In today’s blog, I m going to tell you guys How to gain the first 1000 subscribers on youtube?  12 ways to get the first 1000 subscribers on youtube: #1: Upload consistently: You have to upload consistently to get your criteria done. If you are new on YouTube and your video i...

"Drug addiction" essay for students | Types,Effects, and causes of Drug addiction-770 words

 "Drug addiction" essay for students-Types, Effects, and causes of Drug addiction-(770 words) 

                                Drugs Addiction


Drug addiction is a condition which affects a person’s brain and behavior and inability to control the use of illegal drugs or medication.

Types of addiction:

The following are some types of drug addiction:

1: Alcohol

2: Use of medication (pain killers or other anti-anxiety pills)

3: Cocaine

4: Marijuana

5: Hallucinogens


Alcohol is a drug. It is a psychoactive drug that is the active ingredient in drinks such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits. It is one of the oldest and most common recreational substances, causing the characteristic effects of alcohol intoxication.

FOR EXAMPLE Beer, wine, etc

---Use of medication:

Many medications are also used as drug addiction. Many people use pain killers, anti-anxiety pills, cough syrups, or other medication drugs for addiction.


Cocaine is an addictive drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as an illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally as a local anesthetic. Cocaine is the most commonly used drug for a drug addict.


Marijuana is a type of drug. It is also very common among drug addicts. It is cannabis, especially as smoked or consumed as a psychoactive (mind-altering) drug.


Hallucinogen is a psychoactive agent that often causes hallucinations, and other substantial subjective changes in thought, emotion, and consciousness that are not typically experienced to such degrees with other categories of drugs.

Symptoms of drug addiction:

The following are some symptoms of drug addiction;

1: Intense craving

2: Tolerance

3: Isolating behavior

4: Use of a large amount of money on drugs

5: Carelessness

Causes of drug addiction:

There are many causes of drug addiction Stress is considered one of the most important causes of drug addiction. Many people start taking drugs due to stress, anxiety, or disturbances, etc. This stress can be of many reasons like joblessness, failure, etc.

Mental illness can also be a cause of drug addiction. If a person is using a lot of medication, it can also lead to drug addiction. Many ill-minded people start drug addiction due to the inability of their brain to work.

Poverty also causes drug addiction. Poor people are most likely to become addicted. The tension of not having enough money also leads to a person becoming a drug addict. Many poor people start drug addiction to overcome stress, anxiety, and depression.

Relationship problems can also be a cause of drug addiction. If a person faces failure in the relationship, he/she may start taking drugs.

Pain or medical condition also leads to drug addiction. If a person is suffering from long-term pain or medical condition, it can cause the use of drugs and become an addict. To get relief from the pain one starts taking medicines, and soon becomes a drug addict.

Trauma is also a big cause of drug addiction. Sometimes traumas lead a person to start taking drugs, just to overcome the trauma.

Effects of drug addiction:

 One of the main effects of drug addiction is a damaged immune system, which causes serious disorders and also can lead to death. Drug addiction can also cause many types of diseases like cardiovascular disorders, like heart attacks, liver failure, collapsed veins, abdominal pain, and strokes, etc. Drug addiction can also cause loss of employment. When a person becomes a drug addict he/she may get fired from jobs due to the inability of their brain to work. Relationship loss can also be caused by drug addiction. When a person is not in his/her senses the other partner cannot cope up with it and ends in breaking up. Drug addiction can also cause poverty when a person starts drug addiction, he/she starts spending a lot of money only in drugs, which causes poverty. A drug addict loses respect in society. Nobody respects a drug addict.

Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven”

                                         (Donald Lynn Frost)

 Preventing drug addiction:

The inability to deal with normal life pressures is one of the major reasons that drive people to drugs and alcohol. For many people, drug and alcohol consumption is a way to escape the harsh realities of life. Learning to cope with life’s pressures will go a long way when it comes to helping people stay away from drugs and alcohol. Developing close family ties can also lessen drug addiction. It is observed that the person who is very much attached to his/her family is less likely to get addicted than those who are not much attached to the family. Eating a healthy diet can also cause the elimination of drug addiction. When a person develops healthy habits, drug addiction can be lessened. Anti-drug departments can also help to stop addiction.

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  1. Wow that was well written and very professional. The overall writing was good ��

  2. This is an am a amazing blog I came from a household with addiction so I know this all to well especially what it does to the kids

  3. This is some really amazing stuff it’s so sad that people in the world really go through stuff like this and I will keep praying for them 🙏🏽

  4. Wow this is very true but very sad at the sametime, no cap drugs really does take you to hell.


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