12 ways to get your "first 1000 Subscribers" on YouTube Channel quickly | tips to get first 1000 subscribers |easy ways

  12 ways to get your "first 1000 Subscribers" on YouTube Channel  quickly  When you first start your Youtube channel the hardest challenge is to gain 1000 subscribers . You can only start earning once you completed 1000 subscribers and watch a time of 4000 hours. And it seems to be a very hard challenge.   When you initially starts a youtube channel , it seems like you are uploading a video but no one is watching it. Is it because you have not a great quality video? Or you are just new and nobody knows your channel? There can be a lot of reasons. When I started my youtube channel I also face a lot of difficulties to gain my first 1000 subscribers due to some mistakes I was doing. In today’s blog, I m going to tell you guys How to gain the first 1000 subscribers on youtube?  12 ways to get the first 1000 subscribers on youtube: #1: Upload consistently: You have to upload consistently to get your criteria done. If you are new on YouTube and your video is not getting

Essay on Poverty with Outline-650 WORDS

 Essay on Poverty with Outline-650 WORDS


Points to discuss:

1: Meaning of poverty

2: Definition of poverty

3: Example of poverty

4: Types of poverty

5: Causes of poverty

6: Countries facing poverty

7: Measures to control poverty

Meaning of Poverty:

Poverty is a “state of being extremely poor”. It can also be taken as the “state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount”.

Definition of poverty:

Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lack financial resources and essential for minimum slandered of living.

We can also, define poverty as an inability to meet the basic needs of life like food, shelter, water, medical facilities, and education, etc.

Example of poverty:

If a person lacks food, it is poverty. If a person has no shelter, it is poverty. If a person cannot meet the basic needs of life, it is poverty. If a person is homeless and he has no more recourses or assets, it is poverty.

Types of poverty:

Following are some types of poverty:

1: Relative poverty

2: Situational poverty

3: Absolute poverty

4: Generation poverty

5: Educational poverty

6: Primary poverty

7: Secondary poverty

1: Relative poverty:

Relative poverty means poverty defined in comparison to other person’s standing in the economy. It can also be defined as “a condition where household income is insufficient to afford basic needs of life”.

FOR EXAMPLE, An example of someone in relative poverty is a person who does not have a job and relies on government assistance to maintain.

2: Absolute poverty:

Absolute poverty is a state in which a subject lacks the means to meet his or her basic needs. Such basic needs are often listed in international poverty reduction programs, and usually include food, water, shelter, basic education, and basic medical care.

FOR EXAMPLE Absolute poverty’s example includes a person He has never seen schools because he cannot afford it.

3: Situational poverty:

Situational poverty is defined as a period of time when a person falls short of sources due to some sudden event.

FOR EXAMPLE: if a family id dependent on one person who is earning and due to some reason his work stops or face loss or that person dies, it can cause situational poverty.

4: Generational poverty:

Generational poverty is defined as if a family is living in poverty for at least two generations.

5:  Primary poverty:

Primary poverty is defined as a situation where income is insufficient to meet basic needs even if every penny is spent wisely. 

6: Secondary poverty:

  Secondary poverty is defined as a situation where the money is misspent on luxuries leaving insufficient disposable income to buy necessities.

7: Educational poverty:

Educational poverty is defined as if a person doesn’t have enough resources to go to schools and cannot afford educational expenses, it is called educational poverty.

Causes of poverty:

The following are some causes of poverty:

1: No job

2: Inequality

3: Lack of education

4:  Hunger

5: Climate changes

---If a person is jobless he does not have enough money to deal with his daily expenses.

---- Inequality is also causing poverty from economic to social inequalities like gender, caste systems, or tribal affiliations.

----Lack of education is also a big source of poverty an uneducated person cannot find a job and in return he canon deal with the family expenses.

----Hunger is poverty. In some countries where there is a lack of food resources, famines occur and caused poverty.

----Climate change may also a cause of poverty. Sometimes the sudden events like flood, earthquake, etc may cause climate change and caused poverty.

Countries facing poverty:

The following are some countries facing poverty:

1: India

2: Nigeria

3: Democratic Republic of Congo

4: Ethiopia

5: Bangladesh

Measures to control poverty:

The following are some measures to control poverty:

1: Create jobs

2: Equality

3: Empower people living in poverty

4: Raise the Minimum wage

5: Increase access to education

6: Expand Medicaid

comment if u like:)


  1. Interesting and easy to understand ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ

  2. This really interesting! Thank u for posting!i hope u keep posting more

  3. This is very informative๐Ÿ˜Š I hope you continue to post๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ

  4. This was very informative ๐Ÿ˜Š I hope you continue to post more ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ.

  5. Good information keep up the good work๐Ÿ’ž

  6. This is a good write up of different types of poverty and was well researched. Well done!

  7. Thanks for the info very informative ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

  8. Interesting read, very informative. Keep up the good work

  9. Great job , you did good on this it was very interesting!!

  10. Well researched and articulated nicely stated

  11. Very imformative, thanks for the info.


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